New Assistant Coach

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Adrian Rodriguez as the Senior Men’s Assistant Coach for Season 2024.

Upon his appointment Adrian said:

Hello, I'm Adrian. I've dedicated over 20 years of my life to playing football, as a goalkeeper. Additionally, I bring 5 years of coaching experience to the field. My coaching philosophy is centered on nurturing skill development, fostering teamwork, and instilling a genuine love for the sport.

I'm excited and proud to be working as an assistant alongside Carlos for the upcoming season. What truly fuels my passion is the opportunity to inspire young athletes and help them realize their full potential.

We congratulate Adrian on his appointment and wish him well for the upcoming season and beyond.

The club is now recruiting Senior Men’s players to fill the squad. If interested in being a part of an exciting new chapter please fill in an Expression of Interest (EOI) form. Those who played at Gisborne SC in 2023 do not need to fill in the form, you will be notified of events via the app.

Our pre-season will commence 28 November 2023, running for 4 weeks, then return 9 January 2024. Training is held on Tuesdays & Thursdays (7pm), some Saturday mornings (time TBC) will be included as well.